The Singing Mermaid


Atraída por la promesa de fama y fortuna, la Sirena Cantante se une al circo. La audiencia la ama, pero pronto se da cuenta de que vivir en una pecera gigante no sustituye la libertad del océano. ¿Podrá escapar y volver a casa en Silversands?

Recomendamos The Singing Mermaid para niños a partir de 4 años.

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La opinión de los lectores sobre The Singing Mermaid:

«Julia Donaldson is very good at writing the rhyming story and The Singing Mermaid is as good as her other work. A mermaid that loves to sing but gets tricked into joining a circus…I won’t tell you how it ends but it does feature a seagull.». From

«As always Julia Donaldson comes up with a unique story in a rhyme format and excellent illustrations. The story is of a mermaid who falls in trap of a greedy circus owner Sam and her success in going back to sea where she belongs. It has underlying lessons of not trusting words blindly and strength of friendships.». From


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